
I have received many emails and calls from parents regarding their child during the year. I wanted to share some of these with you, which might prompt you to contact me in 2023.

  • Parents now have an official diagnosis and need to figure out what they are entitled to.
  • Lots of calls around children turning 16, and I can coach parents through the many changes as Domiciliary Care Allowance finishes and Disability Allowance starts.
  • Your child has Disability Allowance, and nobody in the house is claiming the Household Benefits Package. I can help you claim this irrespective of the parent’s income.
  • If you have stopped smoking or using any e-cigarette products for over a year, I can arrange to reduce the cost of the Trust Life Policy for your child.
  • You have been saving money in your child’s name and are unaware of the issues you may create.
  • You don’t have a Will or Trust in place for your child.
  • You need pension guidance that isn’t from someone trying to sell you something.
  • Has there been a good or bad change in your financial circumstance, and are you wondering what you should do next?
  • You need clarification about your mortgage and are wondering if you should fix it for a few years.
  • Or you may have been putting Trust Planning on the long figure and now want to get everything in place for your child in 2023.


The easiest way to contact me is to email allan@financialwellbeing.ie with a brief description of your issues, and I will email or call you back with some helpful advice. As always, I don’t charge parents for this guidance, as this is my way of giving back.

I hope Santa was kind to everyone.
