Carer’s Support Grant FAQ 2025
How much is the Carer’s Support Grant in 2025?
The annual Grant for 2025 is €2,000 and will be paid on Thursday 5th of June by the Department of Social Protection. If you are caring for more than one person, you are entitled to a payment for each person you are caring for. If you receive Carer’s Allowance, Carer’s Benefit or Domiciliary Care Allowance, you will automatically receive the Grant.
Who Else Can Claim the Grant?
Over the years, I have come across many families entitled to this payment but were unaware. If you don’t automatically qualify each year. However if one of the parents provides full-time care and is not working outside of the home for more than 18.5-hrs per week, they may still be entitled to this payment.
It is not means-tested, so you do not have to declare your financial situation but more based on one parent being a full-time Carer. The second main criteria is showing the person you care for needs full-time care.
To apply, you need to complete the application form CSG 1 in respect of each person you are caring for. Once granted, the Department will send you a letter and a short 2-page questionnaire in April of each year. You must return the completed questionnaire as it will be used to assess your claim for that year.
Can I back claim the Grant?
It is not too late if you just missed out on the June payment. You can apply for the Grant at any time until 31 December. For more information, contact Carer’s Support Grant Section on 043 334 0000 or
What is the Respite Care Grant?
The Respite Care Grant was the old name for the Grant. This had a name change as parents assumed the money could only be used for respite. Carer’s Support Grant is the new name, and the money has no restriction on how it is to be spent. Most of my families use the money towards their summer holidays.
Is the Carer’s Support Grant taxable?
Carer’s Support Grant is fully exempt from income tax, PRSI, and USC, and you do not have to inform the Revenue of your payment. Domiciliary Care Allowance is also tax-free. But Carers Allowance and Carers Benefit are taxable sources of income and should be declared to the Revenue.
Where can I go for more information on the Carer’s Support Grant?
Log on to the Department of Social Protection website for more terms and conditions and download the CSG 1 form.